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HomeNewsOn this day: Key events held on July 5, from first cloned...

On this day: Key events held on July 5, from first cloned mammal, Dolly’s birth in 1996 to world’s first bikini in 1946

On this day: Several key and political incidents held on this day left an ever-lasting impact on our lives. The birth of the first cloned mammal, Dolly the sheep, in 1996 took human research in cloning to a whole new level. Back in 1946, the world’s first bikini, introduced by Louis Réard, came into existence and remains in trend even now. Here are key events held on this day.

Birth of Dolly the Sheep in 1996

After years of research, scientists achieved significant success when Dolly the Sheep, a domestic sheep cloned using cells from another mother, was born on July 5, 1996. The research was led by Ian Wilmut, Keith Campbell at the Roslin Institute. While Dolly, the Sheep’s birth was a significant achievement, the animal didn’t live for long. The sheep died just a few months short of her 7th birthday.

National Bikini Day

A Frenchman called Louis Reard introduced the world’s most favourite beachside outfit, bikini, on 5 July, 1946. The two-piece outfit was introduced at the Piscine Molitor, a Parisian swimming pool. He called his outfit Bikini and unveiled it nearly five days after the first testing of a nuclear device held in Bikini Atoll. The name was correlated to the nuclear device test because of an expected ‘explosive commercial and cultural reaction’ to the outfit.

Venezula independence from Spain in 1811

Venezula declared independence from Spain under the leadership of Francisco de Miranda on July 5, 1811. The declaration threw the nation into a decade of war and disruptions. The country finally gained independence 10 years later in 1821.

Laws of Motion Foundation established in 1687

Scientist Isaac Newton published his work Principia on this day. His work was published by the Royal Society in England on July 5, 1687. The work acted as a guiding principle for Newton’s laws on motion and universal gravitation.


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